Palm & Sole takes deli online

Norwich-based natural bodycare store Palm & Sole SkinCare Delicatessen has launched a new website, offering a range of freshly hand-blended bodycare products by aromatherapist Kathy Webb.

The offer spans five ranges, including The Collection which features Intense Balms, nourishing Oil Blocks, Raw Plant Body Oils and Deep Night Facial Oils, and Face & Neck which offers exfoliating grounds, fresh whips, masks and cleansers – some featuring nutritious organic foods – to help hydrate, protect and nourish skin.

The Hands, Nails, Body range is for women and men alike, featuring multi-functional fresh deli products such as Clotted Cream Moisturiser, Cracked Black Pepper Traditional Double Cream for Hands, Lemon Peel Body Mousse and Cocoa & Zesty Orange Body Grounds; and the Lips offer comprises Popping Mica tints for smooth, shiny and healthy looking lips.

The newly launched Maritime for Men range is a sea-inspired collection of cleansing, fresh, moisturizing products.

The site also offers the opportunity for visitors to commission their own unique bespoke products. Products have sell-by dates ranging from six months to two years.