Natural products retailers quick to embrace Bristol Pound

Bristol’s natural products retailers have been early adopters of the Bristol Pound, launched in 2012.

In just two years, nearly 700 businesses – The Better Food Company, Harvest Natural Foods, Scoopaway Health Foods and Wild Oats among them – have signed to the alternative currency scheme.

The organisation behind the scheme said this week that £529,000 of the currency was in use in the city in both electronic and note form. It has just produced a new map to help promote participating businesses to residents and tourists.

What is it, and how does it work?

The Bristol Pound was launched in 2012 and is the UK’s first city wide currency, and the first to have electronic accounts managed by a regulated financial institution

• You can spend the Bristol Pound using mobiles, paper notes and online

• Bristol Pounds are purchased for sterling and can be spent with business members.

• Bristol Pounds are spent just like pounds sterling with £B1 equal in value to £1 sterling.

• Business accounts are available to traders that are independently owned and based in or around Bristol.