Guest Comment

Drugs, bugs and environment…

It’s always fascinating to see how trends come and go especially in the world of health and medicine. Don’t get me wrong, I love...

How to regenerate organic – privatize it

How can we free organic from its self-imposed bureaucratic box? We could always ask Brussels to privatize us, says Craig Sams

Who gives a toss about tiny differences in vitamins and minerals?

The fixation with tiny nutritional differences between organic and non-organic is a silly distraction from the real issues, writes Craig Sams. I’m having a bit...

So, where are all the bodies?

A new 200-page report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers concludes that nutritional supplements were the cause of zero deaths in the US...

Let’s hear it for the Jimi Hendrix (and brown rice rissoles)...

It’s 1967. The Summer of Love. Jimi Hendrix is blaring from the speakers – and Craig Sams is serving up brown rice rissoles to his sensorily-enhanced patrons.

The future is wearable

We’re only one month into 2017 and it’s already well on its way to making its mark as the year of innovative packaging.

The Green Chemist’s Handbook

Barbara Olioso introduces The Green Chemist’s Handbook for Cosmetic Preservation, bridging green values with safe and performing cosmetics.

Towards a fairer food supply chain?

The good governance of the food supply chain and the protection of vulnerable operators have become something of a mantra for policy-makers at both national and EU levels. One example of this is the European Commission’s recent proposal for a directive on Unfair Trading Practices (UTPs) in business-to-business relationships in the food supply chain in spring.