Guest Comment

Harmony in food and farming

The groundbreaking Harmony in Food and Farming Conference explained why a sustainable food culture sits naturally at the heart of an inspiring philosophy for harmonious living, says Craig Sams

Have you been dealing comfrey, sonny?

The natural food trade should take a lead in exposing the hypocritical regulation of herbal medicine, says Craig Sams A bust in Denver: “Okay, kid,...

Mintel spots beauty trends at NPE

Calling Natural & Organic Products Europe 'an established innovation hub for health, food, beauty, wellness and sustainable living', Mintel's beauty innovation coverage manager Irina Ene has published the following trends report on Mintel blog:

Healthy eating and veganism – where do we compromise?

Scrolling through beautifully arranged Instagram meals or flicking through the latest colourful plant-based cookery book, you might think veganism is another food trend or the latest fad diet. In fact, it is a lifestyle choice with animal rights at its core and it encompasses avoiding many other ways in which animals are used, such as in testing (makeup and beauty products), for clothing (leather and wool) or entertainment (zoos and circuses).

Vegan food: not just for January

January is a time for new experiences, and thousands of people are trying out totally plant-based eating. As well as being cruelty-free, vegan food can provide great nutritional value for money. If you’re getting active this month, you can thrive on a vegan diet, and if you’re looking to tackle winter weight gain, fibre-rich plant foods can help to make slimming a more satisfying experience.

Give your customers some action!

With a treasure trove of exciting, tasty, differentiated products to try, love and buy, I believe everybody is a potential customer. True? Then why...

Healthy food trend predictions for 2020

Lydia Baines, digital and communications manager for ingredient business Puratos UK, sets out six food trend predictions for 2020

Hello from a honey family

My family have been commercial beekeepers for 100 years. It all started with my great-grandfather who received beehives in payment for a job.

No gain without grain?

Is it time we stopped blaming all grains and acknowledge that they have been part of humanity’s evolution for the last million years? asks Patrick Holford.

The buzz on a growing trend: bee products and their benefits

Bees play a crucial role in our daily lives by pollinating a third of all we eat as well as grasses that cows and other animals eat; without bees our world wouldn’t be nearly as pretty, as they pollinate flowers, plants and trees as well. We can also thank bees for the unique and healthful substances they produce.

The Old Order is crumbling – great news for health freedom

The big conflict of our age is between Big Government and the MAAFIA (Microsoft Apple Alphabet Facebook Instagram Amazon), says Craig Sams. The implications...

Good health begins with food

Craig Sams invites us to reflect on the achievements of Dr Scott Williamson and Dr Innes Pearce, who set up the Pioneer Health Centre in an effort to steer both individuals, and society as a whole, towards better health.

Beware of cluttered thinking on store layout!

I’m not sure which consumer behavior experts were being referenced in your May editorial who concluded that “the messier and more confusing a shop...

Plant-strong nutrition: how vegan diets can fuel active lifestyles

This month, you might hear a lot of chatter about plant-based athletes due to the release of a documentary called The Game Changers.

It’s independents who are growing organic sales – let’s support them!

Independent retailers are organic's true believers and best promoters. Let's use the powerful 'Organic. Naturally different.' campaign to support them, says Charles Redfern An old...

Can I get my NHS no-claims bonus?

Isn’t it amazing that the ‘hippy diet’ the authorities once warned would corrupt a generation is now officially endorsed by the medical establishment, says...

Countdown to Christmas

It’s easy to tell when the festive period is approaching because the nights get longer and boozier, the streets are paved with fairy lights and good cheer, and excitement builds for the celebrated launch of the Natural Beauty Yearbook!

Time to break the prescription drug addiction cycle

Craig Sams offers an alternative perspective on the culture of prescription drug addiction, saying a natural solution could be more effective in treating depression.

Still making waves

As Rainbow Warrior III sets sail Craig Sams congratulates Greenpeace on being a pain in the bum for evildoers the world over In 1977 Greenpeace...

Public sector canteens should offer vegan options to benefit people, the...

When you’re sent to hospital for a procedure, or your child is due to start school, food is probably the last thing on your mind. Sadly, many vegans don’t have this luxury in situations where they have to rely on others to cater for them.