
The latest features from the pages of Natural Products News – the leading trade magazine for the natural and organic products industry.

Seaweed: the forgotten food

Jane Wolfe dives into the world of seaweed to discover how its nutritional value, sustainable credentials and varied applications

Ready for Brekkie?

With numerous studies linking missing breakfast to poor health – including obesity, coronary heart disease and high blood sugar – healthier and on-the-go options...

The heart of the matter

Dr Decker Weiss is a naturopathic cardiologist with an important message about inflammation. Here, Rosie Greenaway relays some of the key messages conveyed during his 2018 retailer roadshow, and discovers why ignoring the red flags could be catastrophic for cardiovascular health

Born free

Gone are the days when a product simply needed to carry a ‘free-from’ label; brands now need to meet exacting standards and appeal to...

A growing problem

More people than ever are suffering from painful bone and joint conditions, often putting it down to ‘getting old’.  But it needn’t be like...

Child’s play

With the increasing struggles of the NHS driving consumers towards over-the-counter alternatives to prescriptions, Julia Zaltzman browses the aisles for the products which bring...

Children of the (green) revolution

From screen time to sugar to sedentary lifestyles, there are many aspects of modern living which give parents cause for concern.

Double digits

Hands have had a rough time recently and feet have been left neglected - time to make hands happy and feet fabulous, says Jane Wolfe.

The ‘health triangle’ of winter wellness

Jo Caird runs through the A-Z of how to support your customers in achieving optimal winter wellness this year

Pollinators versus Parliament

Where would we be without bees? Maté Jarai weighs up the cost of losing these key pollinators and hears why it’s important to #StandByBees.

Adventure awaits

Planning a holiday is an exciting time filled with the anticipation of relaxation, adventure and new experiences. But nothing can dampen a trip faster...

Pause for thought

The menopause is treated by many GPs as a medical condition rather than a natural part of women’s life cycle. As with pregnancy, menopausal...

Staying present

In the midst of a pandemic, Rosie Greenaway reveals the Christmas collections waiting to bring a smile to Brits’ faces.

Thanks for the follow! ;)

More and more natural and organic businesses are using social networking sites — Twitter, Facebook and the rest. But what exactly are they using it...

Viva veggie!

As the plant food movement is gathering pace, the vegetarian and vegan food categories have been given a whole new lease of life There seems...

Larder love

Basic store cupboard ingredients are still money-spinners in the natural food world. Holly Bourne peers inside the larder to see what products are flying...

Fully functional

While sales of black tea falter, the market for health and wellness teas is flourishing as consumers continue to demand more from their brew. Jane Wolfe mugs up on the functional tea sector 

Back on track

Bone up on joint health with Matt Chittock for all the latest and traditional approaches to keeping customers standing tall Are you sitting uncomfortably? Then...

Sweet dreams

With lockdown inducing us to hanker after sweet treats to lift our spirits, Jane Wolfe looks at healthier options to satisfy cravings

Pandemic pains

Plan B encouraged us to work from home, but ditching the ergonomic chair took a toll on the nation’s joint health, Sharna Waid reports