Guest Comment

A beautiful mind

Life in the 21st century is just one long, ever-decreasing circle of commonality. In the same way that the older you get, the social game of six degrees of separation actually begins to ring true, it seems to me that no matter what genre you look at, it’s intrinsically linked with all others.

Post-Brexit food supply challenges: a pragmatic approach is needed

Whether the UK and EU achieve a Brexit agreement or fail to agree and move instead to World Trade Organization rules, there will still be changes to which the food industry must adapt.

75 years of The Vegan Society: a snapshot of vegan health...

On 1 November The Vegan Society celebrates World Vegan Day and its 75th anniversary – what a great opportunity to take stock of vegan health and nutrition.

The Green Chemist’s Handbook

Barbara Olioso introduces The Green Chemist’s Handbook for Cosmetic Preservation, bridging green values with safe and performing cosmetics.

Is moringa the ‘superfood of superfoods’?

Is moringa the 'superfood of superfoods'? asks Patrick Holford

Cocoa shock

Last night, I crossed to the dark side. I unwittingly bit into a bar of chocolate that was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A bar of Green & Black’s new Velvet Edition; its first product that is neither Fairtrade certified, nor organic.

People Powered: six things I learnt from creating a sustainable sourcing...

Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual opportunity to celebrate all that the organisation has achieved over the years. In my view, no other organisation has done more to make consumers stop, consider and care where their food, drink, clothes and jewellery come from.

Brexit beauty: a fork in the road

With retailers stealing themselves for a cliff-edge Brexit on 31 December, what could this mean for the natural beauty industry?

Eight romantic organic wines for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can viewed as kitschy but behind the cards and flowers this day is simply a celebration of love, writes Neil Palmer.

Beware of cluttered thinking on store layout!

I’m not sure which consumer behavior experts were being referenced in your May editorial who concluded that “the messier and more confusing a shop...

MI: still a sensitive issue

“Every cosmetics product on the market in Europe is safe to use,” announces the comforting blurb on the website of cosmetics trade organization Cosmetics...

How well-meaning businesses can avoid the greenwashing scourge

Plastics in the sea, straws, billions of unrecyclable coffee cups: 2018 has been the year of environmental sustainability … or at least that’s how it seems.

Healthy eating and veganism – where do we compromise?

Scrolling through beautifully arranged Instagram meals or flicking through the latest colourful plant-based cookery book, you might think veganism is another food trend or the latest fad diet. In fact, it is a lifestyle choice with animal rights at its core and it encompasses avoiding many other ways in which animals are used, such as in testing (makeup and beauty products), for clothing (leather and wool) or entertainment (zoos and circuses).

Sustainable packaging for a natural beauty industry

Cosmetics products come in all shapes and sizes. The industry is expansive and with each and every product comes packaging.

Choice: the key to consumer waste reduction

When my business partner and I decided to open Refill Therapy in 2021 we were motivated by two things: tackling food waste and plastic use.

How to decarbonize a planet

Making the switch to organic agriculture on a global scale and turning waste biomass into biochar offers the real prospect of being able to...

Pay it forward

Pay it forward this month. One small act of organic kindness in the name of natural beauty!

Optimizing health: six reasons to promote plant foods

From a health perspective, there are good reasons to throw moderation out of the window and eat plenty of minimally processed plant foods.

Coffee and climate

The climate emergency is here, and for farmers it’s more real than anyone. While many activistsare taking to the streets calling for action ...

Food miles and a sustainable diet

Zoe Oates, director of The Honest Bean Co., discusses food miles in the context of sustainable food choices.